Food Service

Our Uji and Kyoto Green Teas have more to offer than simply as a deliciously refreshing beverage. Green tea can be a great addition to recipes of all sorts, from pastries to savory treats, smoothies to cocktails. Additionally, we offer customized tea blending to create something utterly unique for your business. We welcome the collaboration process and offer a hands-on approach to help assure that your product is the absolute best it can be.

How to include matcha in your establishment.


  • Chocolate chip cookies, lemon cookies and other pastries
  • Pancakes and waffles
  • Ice creams and smoothies
  • Lattes


  • Savory soups
  • Noodles and gnocchi
  • Soft pretzels and other breads
  • As a rub for meats or in the breadcrumb mix for tenders


For a variety of unique drinks, matcha blends well with:

  • Rum
  • Gin
  • Vodka

Our Process

Step 1: Tell us how you will use our tea

  • Is it for a food or drink recipe?
  • Is it a customized blended tea?
  • How much would you like to purchase?


Step 2: Consultation

  • Review your information
  • Schedule a time to talk
  • Create a customized sample to share


Step 3: Production

  • Approval of sample
  • Approval of timeline for production
  • Production begins
  • Updates will be provided regularly up to shipping

Ready to get started?